A few off-cut pieces of Minerva Box were lying about which would be ideal for a case for a mini video camera, purchased for when we’re allowed to go diving again.
Leather: Badalassi Carlo Minerva Box in Olivia
Thread: Vinimo #8 MTB 125 with 3mm stitching
A very simple three piece design The interior edge of the main body piece was skived to make a rolled edge whilst the gussets were also skived. By only skiving the gusset edges, it ensures the gusset edge bends through 90 degrees leaving the main body piece straight As the pieces were so small it wasn’t necessary to glue them prior to stitching Tensioning the thread pulls the gusset into shape. Later the edges were trimmied, dyed and burnished A snap fastening and rounding the closing flap completed the build The edges were dyed with a mid-tan dye and lightly burnish